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Empowered Fem Teens: Achieving Goals

May 31, 2019
I am not sure about you, but I feel as if this year is flying by and oh my glam have I been busy! But that’s how I love it! I am passionate about my mission and few things light up my life more than helping others. Empowered Fem has been gaining momentum and we... / READ MORE /

I am not sure about you, but I feel as if this year is flying by and oh my glam have I been busy!

But that’s how I love it! I am passionate about my mission and few things light up my life more than helping others.

Empowered Fem has been gaining momentum and we are moving and shaking, darlings.

I’m passionate about helping other women live their best lives and I truly believe that it is our responsibility as women to nurture and mentor young girls so that they grow up with a strong sense of who they are and learn early on to dream big and work hard.

Most people don’t reach their full potential because of fear and insecurities. But the universe puts people in your life to encourage you and give you the confidence you need to level up.

We’ve been working hard to provide opportunities for mentorship and growth for women and young girls.

May was a huge month for Empowered Fem. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to.

On May 10 we were keeping the Empowered Fem mission alive with a presentation at Martin Middle School by the beautiful Maxie Terrell-Dennis from Corpus Christi Army Depot. She gave a powerful talk on the importance of having a vision for yourself, setting your goals and stopping at nothing to reach them.

Being a Martin Middle Alum herself, Maxie shared her amazing journey. She discussed how she was once in the same shoes as the young ladies she was talking to and how she overcame many obstacles and worked her way to success. The students loved her and we can’t wait to see what these future leaders will accomplish!

Thank you, Maxie for being such an amazing role model and for paying it forward!

On May 18, I was honored to be a part of an amazing panel for the Corpus Christi Black Chamber of Commerce, Women’s Conference. This was the perfect opportunity for me to encourage all the Empowered Fems out there to realize her purpose. My hope was to inspire the women in the audience to be confident and self sufficient and to not leave their happiness in the hands of others.

An Empowered Fem knows her worth, recognizes her influence and understands the duty to empower others.

On the evening of May 22, I was humbled to serve as speaker for the ‘End Violence Now’ essay contest hosted by Communities in Schools. I am so proud of all the students that participated and submitted an essay. They are all winners in my heart. The mission to empower disenfranchised youth is front center. I believe that no one should be denied a dream due to lack of education, finances, or resources.








I want young women to believe in themselves as much as I believe in them, to love themselves, to be brave and to pay it forward when given the chance.

Ladies, you have the POWER to be anything you want to be. You CAN rise above. I believe in you so much!

You can and you will reach your goals, and Empowered Fem is here to help.

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: Being Beautiful by Being You

I am obsessed with living my best life. Come along and join my journey.
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