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Walk Tall & Carry A Great Lipstick

April 2, 2019
Hello beauties! When I’m not busy with appearances, presentations, or changing the world with my non-profit organization, I work at a refinery. I am an Engineer. A Chemical Engineer. A female Engineer. It hasn’t always been easy, forging my way into what is predominantly a “man’s” world. Often people will mistake me for an inspector... / READ MORE /

Hello beauties!

When I’m not busy with appearances, presentations, or changing the world with my non-profit organization, I work at a refinery.

I am an Engineer.

A Chemical Engineer.

A female Engineer.

It hasn’t always been easy, forging my way into what is predominantly a “man’s” world. Often people will mistake me for an inspector or hole watch. I get asked, why I don’t work in a more suitable place for women, like a bank or school. I’ve even been asked why my husband “lets” I work at a refinery.

Truth be told, I’ve been in this profession for so long now, I can’t really even remember how I got here. But the point is, my darlings, that I. Am. Here. AND I LOVE IT.

This is my dream job;  a career I decided on when I was just 11 years old.

Every day, I proudly put on my work uniform, a blue jumpsuit, sometimes called a Nomex due to its flame-resistant material, with my name neatly embroidered in the upper left corner. I must wear protective personal equipment which includes steel toe boots, safety glasses, and a hard hat. Every day, I step into a world where my gear cannot protect me from the judgment and doubt of others. Every day, I must be brave and step into a world where female engineers are far and few between.  I have made it my mission to encourage and educate young girls to pursue careers in engineering.

But underneath my gear, I am still me, a “girly girl” that loves the color pink. My smile is my favorite accessory so I wear it always. My hair is flat ironed to perfection and my lipstick is a fierce hot pink. I am a boss, babes. I am a force to be reckoned with.

I used to worry that if I embraced my femininity in the workplace I wouldn’t be taken seriously. But experience has taught me that being a serious boss babe is all about believing in yourself and living your most authentic life. It’s not so much about the lipstick or the hair. It is very much about how that lipstick and hair makes you feel.

When you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, you can be comfortable and even flourish in almost any situation.

The hottest trends are in, gorgeous girl and confidence are the must-have items of the season! So dig deep and believe in the beauty of your soul. It’s time to let that boss babe shine!

I know from the bottom of my pink glittery heart that you got this girl! The best is yet to come.

Keep your head held high, walk tall and carry a great lipstick.

I am cheering you on every glam step of the way.

Much love,


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