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Fab & Fearless Speaker Series – June 2019

July 2, 2019
Oh my glam! I am still beaming from last month’s Fab & Fearless event where our guest speakers shared some powerful and personal truths with an enthusiastic crowd. Leading up to these events, my emotions are always a splendid mixture of excitement and fear, as my heart is filled with determination and my stomach filled... / READ MORE /

Oh my glam! I am still beaming from last month’s Fab & Fearless event where our guest speakers shared some powerful and personal truths with an enthusiastic crowd.

Leading up to these events, my emotions are always a splendid mixture of excitement and fear, as my heart is filled with determination and my stomach filled with butterflies.

Creating Empowered Fem was in my heart for so long. But I kept waiting on others to help me make it possible. I kept waiting… and waiting. Finally, I decided to just take the leap alone. I realized I already had it in me to make my dreams come true.

I decided to empower myself to create a safe place where we put collaboration over competition; a place where young women could learn to love and believe in themselves.

I wanted Empowered Fem to be a place of sisterhood, where empowered women could empower women.

So, to see my dreams come to fruition makes my glittery heart want to burst.

Making your dreams come true was a major theme the night of this event. The speeches were jam-packed with inspirational gems that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

We started the night with Clarissa Serna, singer, songwriter, radio personality and of course a contestant on The Voice from NBC.

Radiating joy and beaming with sincerity, she let us know her hope for the evening was to share inspiration, motivation, and encouragement.

That’s exactly what she did as she led us through her amazing journey of discovering her life’s purpose, learning to love herself unconditionally and following her dreams no matter what.

Clarissa credited her family for providing an incredible support system and made a point to note that not everyone is that blessed, but stated “you still have the opportunity to go out and hold on to those people who do encourage you, support you and want you to live your best life”.

She encouraged the audience to “truly love yourself, lean into your uniqueness and take chances on yourself”.

She finished by reminding us that it’s “good to be modest and humble, but sometimes it is better to scream, ‘I am a strong empowered woman who can do anything…I am one badass woman’”.

At this point, I could feel the positive energy vibrating throughout the room and our next speaker kept the momentum going with her equally encouraging and inspiring speech about believing in yourself and loving yourself where you are, as you are.

Brittany Moutett, the creator and host of one of the city’s most popular podcasts, Leading Ladies of Corpus Christi, shared what a wonderful city we live in and what an exciting time it is to be a local entrepreneur.

Although she has found success with her podcast and has interviewed about 57 women, she still had

many fears and insecurities when starting out. This was something I think many of us can relate to.

As a new mom, Brittany spent many days reflecting on how powerful women are.

She started thinking about women everywhere, and our strength, bravery, and perseverance. She thought of her mom, her mother in law, her friends. Before she even thought of her podcast, she just felt lead to reach out to other women on social media to thank them for being inspirations in her life.

Brittany acknowledged how important it is to let others know that they are seen and heard and most of all loved.

Soon her heart was filled with excitement as the idea of a podcast kept filling her thoughts.

But then fear began to set in as she thought, “I’m just a woman in a kitchen, with a mess from my kids and my dogs always barking, I am not polished, like these women, what if I am not good enough”.

Now, here is the point that I really want you all to listen to my gorgeous gals, a point that Brittany made that rang so loudly in my soul. She said that she realized, “All of my obstacles have been self-inflicted…so be brave”.

The truth is, we just need to be kinder to ourselves, start speaking words of encouragement to ourselves and start believing in ourselves.

These women are living proof that dreams do come true.

I am so grateful to them for their courage to share their stories and help me build a sisterhood while teaching others to give back to the community.

I want you to know, that it is never too late to accomplish your dreams.

In the words of Clarissa, “Sometimes the dreams you have laid out for yourself… the end goal is not what you thought it was, it’s almost better.”

Once you begin to change your “I want to” to “I will” you will truly begin to step into the life that you were destined to live.

My intention with the Fab & Fearless Speaker series is that you, my gorgeous girl, will leave with a different mindset and go out into the world and help other women build their dreams as well.

We are here to help you grow and help you build your dreams.

You have what it takes and we, at Empowered Fem, are here to make sure you never forget that.

From the bottom of my glittery heart and with all my love,


DON'T MISS THIS ONE: Changing Perspectives: Build Unwavering Confidence

I am obsessed with living my best life. Come along and join my journey.
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