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Fab & Fearless AF Speaker Series – March 2020

April 21, 2020
Only a month ago, we gathered to empower one another, build connections, and celebrate an incredible year of growth at Empowered Fem.  It is hard to believe that one year ago, what started with a sincere drive to help the women in my community has grown into an amazing network of women building each other... / READ MORE /

Only a month ago, we gathered to empower one another, build connections, and celebrate an incredible year of growth at Empowered Fem.  It is hard to believe that one year ago, what started with a sincere drive to help the women in my community has grown into an amazing network of women building each other up.

Our speaker series returned on March 7th, 2020 featuring Corpus Christi’s own Barbi Leo, Dr. Kasia Suarez, and Liza Wisner. These three amazing ladies shared the inspiring stories of their rise to the top despite all of the challenges they each faced.  Let me tell you that they shared their most private battles and what they did to rise above fear, insecurities, and self-doubt.  To be FAB you have to be FEARLESS first.  You have to stand up for yourself and prepare to battle obstacles on a daily.

The speakers reminded us of our privilege to be where we are at today.  They made us remember all the women that came before us and paved the way, be it our mothers, our role models, or our ancestors.  There is no reason to not show up and give it all you’ve got, you owe it to those before us.  They helped build the foundation on which today you stand.

Today is the day to start your legacy – go out there and claim what is already yours.

Ladies, let your light shine and release your superpowers.  There is a ripple effect when you surround yourself with like-minded women.  There was an energy in the room of positivity, encouragement, and sisterhood.  We are here to serve as the catalyst to your GLOW UP.  Step on your platform and bring your dreams to reality. There is nothing stopping you, Nada!

To everyone that attended…your future self will thank you.  She is grateful you already took the first step.

If you weren’t able to make it out, check out the photo recap below.  It was one for the books, sis.

Also, Zeyonce says “See you at the next one, Beauties.” 😉


A most sincere thank you to our sponsors, your contributions made all the difference.  Thank you from the bottom of our glittery hearts.  You helped build the future leading ladies of our community.

Presenting Sponsor: Peace of Mind, Massage Therapy &  Natural Healing Organic Spa & Organic Color Systems Salon

Rapid Air

Ellison Helmsman Inc

Simply Made by Valerie

Love Thirty Two

The Frida Kahlo Store

Paper to Flower

Empowered Fem’s speaker series will be returning in September 2020, so keep an eye out for updates on Facebook, Instagram, or stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter!

Follow me on social media for tips on how to be courageous, practice self-care, and realize your strengths. You can find me at:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/empoweredfem/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empoweredfem/

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: 10 Rules for Traveling Like a Queen

I am obsessed with living my best life. Come along and join my journey.
  • May 3, 2020 AT 12:29 pm

    […] the Fab & Fearless Speaker event in March, Liza Wisner shared with us that we MUST be women of IMPACT. She reminded us that women before us […]

  • December 23, 2021 AT 2:04 am

    […] OF YOU. We are in this together. I am STILL typing memos to myself and writing notes from the last Fab & Fearless AF Speaker Series brunch. I still look back on my blogs and think myself, “I wrote that?” with the emphasis on […]

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